Last week at Gainsborough…
Gainsborough’s Got Talent
What a talented bunch you are! It was incredible to see the children perform as part of our first Gainsborough’s Got Talent. We saw wonderful gymnastics routines, singing and dancing, joke telling and even some drawing was showcased. The children pulled their own acts together and we were really impressed with their confidence, team work and obviously their talent.
3rd place Martinee from Year 5 for his exceptional spoken word poetry
2nd place Year 6 gymnast group for their incredible gymnastics routine
1st place Ava and Mia from Year 4 for their beautifully choreographed song and dance
Keeping Green
Each half term we focus on a different Gainsborough Keep: kind, connected, safe, healthy, green or giving. This half term we are looking at Keep Green. We will raise awareness of the following events and ways of being more sustainable at school and at home:
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Micheal Pius
Year 2 Joseph
Year 3 Dontay
Year 4 Jonathan
Year 5 Macey
Year 6 Kelly
Each week we celebrate an amazing achievement from each class. Children are celebrated in assembly, receive a gold certificate and their name in the newsletter. Please celebrate their learning at home too!
Nursery – Ducks
Ducks class were nominated to receive a Gainsborough Gold Award for your active learning, willingness to explore and investigate; as well as having a great time in nursery! Well done everyone!
Nursery – Geese
Geese class were nominated to receive a Gainsborough Gold Award for active learning, willingness to explore and investigate; as well as having a great time in nursery! Well done everyone!
Nursery – Swans
Swans class have been nominated to receive a Gainsborough Gold Award for an incredible half term. The children have made great progress in all areas of learning and we are very proud!
Reception – Wrens
Rukia was nominated to receive a Gainsborough Gold Award for amazing effort in reading. She has gained such confidence in phonics this term. Well Done Rukia.
Year 1 – Owls
Amiyah was nominated to receive a Gainsborough Gold Award for amazing effort in reading. Amiyah has made excellent progress in phonics and we are very proud of her!
Year 2 – Hummingbirds
This week Tamiya was nominated to receive a Gainsborough Gold Award for her fantastic singing performance. Tamiya has also worked really hard in all of her lessons, been extremely kind and helpful to all of her friends.
Year 3 – Herons
Sophia was nominated to receive a Gainsborough Gold Award for always being on green, trying so hard to present her work beautifully and being a good friend. Well done Sophia!
Year 4 – Skylarks
Arthur was nominated to receive a Gainsborough Gold Award for an impressive and successful start at Gainsborough and for working incredibly hard in all of his lessons. His efforts in class have been exemplary.
Year 5 – Magpies
Sodbeyer received a Gainsborough Gold Award for being an incredible role model to his peers. Sodbeyer has worked really hard to develop his group work and partner work skills, well done!
Year 6 – Doves
Shaelyn was nominated to receive a Gainsborough Gold Award for her great contributions during lessons especially in maths. Her reasoning skills have been exceptional! Well done Shaelyn-Ann!
Summer 1 at Gainsborough…
WAMH’s at Gainsborough
We have access to a WAMH’s clinicin at Gainsborough. This service supports both school and home and identifying and supporting pupil’s well being and mental health. Alice Zacharia is our dedicated WAMH’s worker, she is in Gainsborough every second Monday, and she is able to meet parents to discuss any aspect of pupil well being. Please email if you would like to meet with Alice.
The objectives of the WAMH’s programme are listed here:
- The school environment supports well-being (supporting schools to be mentally healthy settings)
- Supporting the personal, social, and emotional development of all children in schools
- Supporting schools to be inclusive places/ increase inclusive practices
- Promote cohesive and cooperative linked working between schools and mental health services
- Increase capacity within schools to identify early and meet the wellbeing and mental health needs of all pupils
- Engagement with parents and the external world
More information about WAMH’s can be found here:
Year 6 SAT’s and Kench Hill Meeting
Families are invited to find out more about the Year 6 SAT’s tests, how to help their children revise and what the SAT’s week will consist of. The meeting for families is scheduled for Thursday 25th April at 3.30pm in the Year 6 classroom. Families will also be allocated Kench Hill equipment lists and have the chance to ask any further questions about the Kench Hill residential trip happening from Monday 17th – Friday 21st June. We look forward to seeing you there.
Attendance at Gainsborough
We know that children learn best when they are happy, feel valued and are comfortable in school. One factor that affects pupils engagement and enjoyment the most is poor attendance. Children find accessing parts of learning cycles, or parts of lessons, very difficult if they have missed key parts. This is why good attendance is so important! We have issued attendance letters to all families who’s child has attendance at under 90%. The government class a child who’s attendance is under 90% as a persistent absentee. All schools are expected to track and monitor children whose attendance falls below 90%. Families will be asked to meet senior leaders and explore reasons for non attendance including ill health, family circumstances, housing, school anxiety and any further issue which may be preventing a child from having good attendance. There is increasing pressure from the local authority, and the DfE, for schools to improve attendance and as such Gainsborough will also be on the journey of improving attendance for all children.