Welcome back to Gainsborough…
Year 6 Ben Kinsella Trust Trip
Year 6 visited the Ben Kinsella Trust this week they attended workshops that dispel myths about knife crime and knife carrying and teaches young people about the links between choices and consequences. The children fedback that the workshop was both interesting and made them think about how bad decisions have huge consequences. For more information on talking to your child about knife crime please see https://benkinsella.org.uk/resources-for-parents/
Year 2 Great Fire of London walk
Year 2 took a walk through time on Monday and saw the locations of the Great Fire of London learning they have been looking at in History. The children walked from St Paul’s to Pudding Lane and considered the changes of the building around them.
Gainsborough and the Yard Theatre
We have had the Yard Theartre rehearsing in our top hall this week. The school has worked in partnership with the Yard Theatre for 8 years. The relationship has seen children attend drama workshops and put on plays, as part of the Yardlings programme over the years. This partnership supports the Yard with a rehearsal space and we hope to run more education programmes in the future. We are excited to see what this partnership brings as we plan to meet and interview the actors and stage crew this week!
Reader of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Rukia
Year 2 Vasil
Year 3 Rafi
Year 4 Jett
Year 5 John-Frances
Year 6 Ibrahim
Most Improved Writer of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 as most improved writer of the week. The award is for those who have shown a significant improvement in handwriting or writing throughout the week.
Year 1 George
Year 2 Suyane
Year 3 Talisa
Year 4 Sophia
Year 5 Latina
Year 6 Zariyah
Each week we celebrate an amazing achievement from each class. Children are celebrated in assembly, receive a gold certificate and their name in the newsletter. Please celebrate their learning at home too!
Nursery Ducks
Winston was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for settling into nursery brilliantly. Well done Winston!
Nursery Geese
Gecari was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award for demonstrating great turn taking with his freinds. Well done Gecari.
Nursery Swans
Ludwick was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for joining in forest school activities with great enthusiasm! Well done Ludwick!
Reception Doves
Usman was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for showing great care for his friends and helping them find their lost belongings! Well done Usman!
Year 1 Wrens
Sofia was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for working really hard to form all of her letters properly and for amazing effort in phonics. Well done Sofia!
Year 2- Owls
Savannah was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award for making a conscious effort to listen really well in all lessons and contribute well to all class discussions. Well done Savannah!
Year 3 – Hummingbirds
Yaaqub was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week for staying focused and working really hard through his assessments. Well done Yaaqub.
Year 4- Herons
Michael was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for working really hard in computing where he typed a repeated code for an algorithm for his initial. Well done Micheal!
Year 5 – Skylarks
Jahmal was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week for contributing to class discussions really well this week. Well done Jahmal!
Year 6 – Magpies
Year 6 Magpies class were awarded the Gainsborough Gold Award this week for showing great determination, resilience and focus during tests this week. It is amazing to see ho much progress you have made. Keep up the good work Year 6 Magpies.
Coming up at Gainsborough…
Improving Attendance at Gainsborough
This week you will receive an attendance certificate outlining your child’s attendance. If your child have reached the government target of 96% you will receives a celebration certificate. If your child’s attendance is under 90% we will be inviting you in to school to set an action plan and target to improve your child’s attendance. We must improve attendance at Gainsborough and working together to do this is imperative. Together we can make your child’s experience at school happier and more successful with good attendance. We look forward on working on this with you.
Reading Challenge
We have years 1 -6 have been set a reading challenge this week in their homework books, this is to be completed after half term, Tuesday 25th February. They have been asked to read a range of different reading materials and for adults at home to initial each challenge they have completed. Please support your child to read, talk about reading and expand their minds! Some examples of the challenges are:
Read a book to a younger sibling or soft toy.
Read a book about animals.
Read a magazine or a comic.
Read a book with a one word title.
For more ideas to inspire your child to read see: https://www.theschoolrun.com/60-reading-challenges-primary-school-kids
FRoG’s Annual Valentine’s Disco
Save the date: Friday 14th February. Come and join us to celebrate all things ‘love’ on St Valentines day! All the usual fun: disco, card making and posting, cooking, party games, tattoos and face paints! This is a fund raising event for the school and we will run a ‘ticket per item’ system at this event. We hope to see you there!