Welcome back to Gainsborough…
Year 1 Jobs Topic
Year 1 visited Strong and Bendy this week linking to jobs and people who work in our local area. They considered what it was like to work in a gym, run classes and model all of the equipment! Thank you to Strong and Bendy for the annual tour!
Year 2 St Paul’s Great Fire of London trip
Year 2 were due to walk the Great Fire of London walk today, however with an amber yellow warning of winds up to 80 mph we have postponed this trip to Monday 3rd February.
Year 4 Transport Museum
Year 4 traveled to the Transport Museum this week! They traveled back in time to the Victorian era of horse and carts, looked at how the Caribbean community in London contributed to the London transport history over the last 50 years and hopped on and off some old style route masters.
Designing our Cooking Curriculum
This week teachers have worked together to think about our new cooking curriculum. Each half term Years 1 -6 will cook in the kitchen for an afternoon. When planning our units we have looked at health and safety, cooking skills and how they progress, how we manage resources and tidying up, nutritional value and the food groups of the foods we are cooking. Many of the ingredients will be home grown in our circular food economy and our waste will be composted in our own composter! Each unit introduces a new cooking, or food prep skill, and this half term we are looking at ‘pastas and sauces’:
- Year 1 – pasta with peppers and spinach: chopping and safe use of a knife
- Year 2 – pasta with olives and basil: using a grater
- Year 3 – pesto pasta: using a stick blender
- Year 4 – homemade tomato sauce: using a can opener and using a pan on a hob
- Year 5 – macaroni cheese: making a roux and using a pan on a hob
- Year 6 – vegetarian lasagne: combining a variety of cooking processes and using the oven
This term we will focus on:
WOW Assembly theme Keep Safe
British Value Individual liberty
Article 19 You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind. RRS re launch
School Council Reading for pleasure
Behaviour Pupil voice: reflection sheets, pupil feedback and questionnaires
Wellbeing WAHM’s in EYFS and Rights Respecting accreditation process
Community Focus Community kitchen use: Power Up
Teaching and Learning Medium term planning of foundation subjects: RE, DT, Science, cooking
Rights Respecting Schools
Our focus this week has been recapping on what the UN rights of the child are, why they are important and who they apply to. Children across years 1-6 could recall many of the rights and give good examples of how they live out this right, with other examples of where in the world, or in periods of history, this right would not have been upheld. How may of the UN rights of the child can your child remember?
Reader of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Ayaan
Year 2 Fatima
Year 3 Thiago
Year 4 Zayden
Year 5 Mikeal
Year 6 Anastasia
Most Improved Writer of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 as most improved writer of the week. The award is for those who have shown a significant improvement in handwriting or writing throughout the week.
Year 1 Sophia T
Year 2 Asya
Year 3 Finley
Year 4 Micheal
Year 5 Mohammed R
Year 6 Caedrian
Each week we celebrate an amazing achievement from each class. Children are celebrated in assembly, receive a gold certificate and their name in the newsletter. Please celebrate their learning at home too!
Nursery Ducks
Leo was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for communicating words and ideas this week. Well done Leo!
Nursery Geese
Yaquub was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award for contributing to circle time and showing excellent focus in small group work. Well done Yaquub.
Nursery Swans
Jude was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for showing great in enthusiasm in all areas of learning and showing excellent understanding in maths! Well done Jude!
Reception Doves
Victoria has been awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for settling back into school and having a great attitude to learning. Well done Victoria!
Year 1 Wrens
George was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for coming back to school with a great attitude and working really hard. Well done George!
Year 2- Owls
Amelia was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award for showing great enthusiasm to learning this week. Well done Amelia!
Year 3 – Hummingbirds
Zivah was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week for showing kindness, wonderful manners and being an excellent role model. Well done Zivah.
Year 4- Herons
Jude was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for making excellent contributions to lessons and joining in really well. Well done Jude!
Year 5 – Skylarks
Ava was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week for showing great resilience in maths this week. Well done Ava!
Year 6 – Magpies
Katie was awarded the Gainsborough Gold Award this week for working really well in group day in our reading cycle, showing really great support for her team mates. Well done Katie!
Coming up at Gainsborough…
WAHM’s advice and support in Early Years
Throughout the Spring term our WAHM’s clinician, Alice, will be supporting Nursery and reception staff, families and children. Our WAHM’s clinician, will be able to talk about referral pathways for families, diagnosis roots and general advice and discussion about well being, routines and parenting. Alice will be in Nursery and reception every second Monday and available for parents to book a meeting with. She is at Gainsborough on Monday mornings.
Reading for Pleasure
School council met Ms Clark this week and to support improving how much our children read for pleasure. They have come up with some wonderful ideas:
- putting some recommended reads in shared areas across the school to pass on their favourite books to others
- holding a school book sale
- ordering some new and interesting books for their class book areas
- arranging regular library trips to select great books
FRoG’s Annual Valentine’s Disco
Save the date: Friday 14th February. Come and join us to celebrate all things ‘love’ on St Valentines day! All the usual fun: disco, card making and posting, cooking, party games, tattoos and face paints! This is a fund raising event for the school and we will run a ‘ticket per item’ system at this event. We hope to see you there!
Weekly Fire Alarm testing
Please note that every Tuesday at 8.30am we test our fire alarm system. Please do not evacuate, this is a drill. If you hear the alarm at any other time whilst in the building please leave by the nearest exit and meet staff in front of the school where visitors can be accounted for against sign in records.