Welcome back to Gainsborough…
Happy New Year!
Welcome back to a very cold new term. We have settled back into the new term really well and are excited for the term ahead! To kick start the year the teaching staff team from the school visited the houses of parliament. We learnt about how it works, the differences between the house of commons and the house of lords and how bills and laws are passed. It was really motivational and we have made lots of connections with our work on British Values, pupil led groups and Rights Respecting Schools. This has helped push along in our Rights Respecting Schools journey, we hope to achieve silver this term. For more information please see:
On the same day our early years team visited Holy Trinity Primary School for an Inset on music in our provision. We are really excited to be thinking about how to engage children in song and music across the curriculum and we hope you start to see and hear the impact of this at home very soon.
This term we will focus on:
WOW Assembly theme Keep Safe
British Value Individual liberty
Article 19 You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind. RRS re launch
School Council Reading for pleasure
Behaviour Pupil voice: reflection sheets, pupil feedback and questionnaires
Wellbeing WAHM’s in EYFS and Rights Respecting accreditation process
Community Focus Community kitchen use: Power Up
Teaching and Learning Medium term planning of foundation subjects: RE, DT, Science, cooking
Nursery and Reception Winter Wonderlands
Our nursery and reception classes will learn about ‘Winter’ over the next 3 weeks. If anyone has any polar or arctic themed toys, games or books they no longer need, we are happy to take donations. We are looking for penguins, hats, gloves and scarves.
Reader of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Yusuf
Year 2 Savannah
Year 3 Yacine
Year 4 Chelsey
Year 5 Malik
Year 6 Nanette
Most Improved Writer of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 as most improved writer of the week. The award is for those who have shown a significant improvement in handwriting or writing throughout the week.
Year 1 Alya
Year 2 Michael
Year 3 Amiya
Year 4 Umaiza
Year 5 Arielle
Year 6 Macey
Each week we celebrate an amazing achievement from each class. Children are celebrated in assembly, receive a gold certificate and their name in the newsletter. Please celebrate their learning at home too!
Nursery Ducks
Everyone in Ducks class was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for settling into Nursery really well and having a brilliant week. Well done Ducks!
Nursery Geese
Everyone in Geese class was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for settling back into Nursery after a long holiday and following all of the class routines! Well done Geese. we are so proud of you.
Nursery Swans
Everyone in Swans was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for settling back into Nursery beautifully! Well done Swans, we are so proud of you.
Reception Doves
Shannon has been awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for following the class rules and playing nicely with her friends. Well done Shannon!
Year 1 Wrens
Ze’Jaune was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for showing a great attitude in all areas of learning and listening really well in carpet sessions! Well done Ze’Jaune!
Year 2- Owls
Harrison was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award for making the right choices all week and consistently being on task . Well done Year 2!
Year 3 – Hummingbirds
Zayn was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for coming back to school with a wonderfully positive attitude. Well done Zayn!
Year 4- Herons
Paris was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week. Paris you have settled in beautifully to Year 4. We are very happy you are here!
Year 5 – Skylarks
Frankie was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week for having a great attitude to learning and having a wonderful start to the term. Well done Frankie!
Year 6 – Magpies
Blessing was awarded the Gainsborough Gold Award this week. You have settled in so well and it is lovely to see how friendly and hard working you are! You are already a valued member of Magpies class. Well done Blessing!
Coming up at Gainsborough…
WAHM’s advise and support in Early Years
Throughout the Spring term our WAHM’s clinician, Alice, will be supporting Nursery and reception staff, families and children. Our WAHM’s clinician, will be able to talk about referral pathways for families, diagnosis roots and general advice and discussion about well being, routines and parenting. Alice will be in Nursery and reception every second Monday and availble for parents to book a meeting with. She is in Gainsborough on the following dates:
Monday 20th January
Monday 3rd February
Monday 24th February
Monday 10th March
Monday 24th March
Reading for Pleasure
We want every child at Gainsborough to be a reader, to want to read, enjoy reading, choose to read and be able to talk positively about reading. The benefits of being a ‘reader’ are endless. The National Literacy Trust research tells us:
Regularly reading to a child for the love of it provides a connection between parent and child from the very early days and helps build strong family ties. Lines from favourite stories enter the family lexicon. Families who enjoy reading together have more opportunities for discussion, developing empathy and attachment. Reading to their infant is one of the greatest gifts parents can give. By starting the journey of building a lifelong love of reading for pleasure, parents are giving their child the opportunity to be the best they can be: children who read for pleasure do better in a wide range of subjects at school and it also positively impacts children’s wellbeing.
We will making suggestions each week about how to read with your child, reinforcing the importance of reading with your child and making it fun and part of your routine.