Last week at Gainsborough…
End of Term Message from Ms Clark
We have had a hugely successful term at Gainsborough this Autumn. We have seen some wonderful progress in teaching and learning and fabulous improvements in reading, writing and maths outcomes for our pupils. Our early years indoor and outdoor environments look incredible and we are very proud of the improvements staff have made to this provision. Our children have attended a vast range of local and London wide trips, with really positive feedback on their engagement and behaviour. Our outdoor learning curriculum continues to strengthen, as does our partnership with MAdleap and Chefs in Schools as we write our new cooking curriculum to be implemented in our new community kitchen! We have had some wonderful community events showcasing a community who seeks the best from each other and our children. We couldn’t be prouder! Thank you to a wonderful staff team and community at Gainsborough, well done everyone.
Next term we will focus on:
WOW Assembly theme Keep Safe
British Value Individual liberty
Article 19 You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind. RRS re launch
School Council Reading for pleasure
Behaviour Pupil voice: reflection sheets, pupil feedback and questionnaires
Wellbeing WAHM’s in EYFS and Rights Respecting accreditation process
Community Focus Community kitchen use: Power Up
Teaching and Learning Medium term planning of foundation subjects: RE, DT, Science, cooking
Parents in Class, sewing in design and technology lessons
Thank you to all of the wonderful families who attended our parents in class session last week. Children in Years 1 -6 welcomed families into class to help them complete their DT textiles sewing learning. We have rewritten our Design and Technology curriculum, linking the unit to real life events and awareness weeks to make the DT more meaningful and purposeful.
The textiles unit each year will develop the children’s sewing skills and year on year we hope to build our Christmas decoration collection by adding the children’s decorations that they make in this unit. The children learnt to sew a variety of stitches making the following decorations in each year group:
Year 1 puppets
Year 2 stockings
Year 3 button chain mail
Year 4 parcels and bows
Year 5 tree decorations
Year 6 lettering and bunting
FRoG’s Annual Christmas Party and Santa’s Grotto, Monday 16th December
We had a magical time at our Christmas Party. Well done to the FRoG’s families and staff who supported the event. It is a great accomplishment, and shows huge commitment from staff and families to run and attend these events. We are very proud of the community we have built at Gainsborough and welcome new family members to support the FroG’s group, if you are interested in joining the group please see Charlotte Harris.
Years 3, 4, 5, 6 Winter Concert
WOW! The children were incredible. We were blown away by the quality of the singing the standard the children performed to! Please have a watch on our school Instagram account, or the images linked to the bottom of this newsletter. All of the children contributed fantastically, they showed a huge amount of support and respect to one and other while we rehearsed and prepared for the event. Thank you to our music teacher, Ms Elkins and all the Year 3 4 5 6 staff for pulling together a wonderful performance.
The Nativity at St Mary of Eton
We made our annual trip to St Mary of Eton for our Nativity to watch a delight of a nativity this week. Children from Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2 retold a light hearted and fun version of the nativity story,from the point of view of toys watching the story unfold. The children spoke loudly and clearly, they were incredibly brave and sang with huge hearts. We suffered from some absence, on the day of the performance, and we were warmly supported by some very kind and clever year 6 students who stepped in at the last minute. Unfortunately our school photographer’s were caught up in the performance, if any families have any pictures they could share please share them via the school Instagram account. A huge thank you to Reverend Sue for allowing us to perform in St Mary of Eton.
Reader of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Teya
Year 2 Vasil
Year 3 Rafi
Year 4 Michael
Year 5 Samuella
Year 6 Zariyah
Most Improved Writer of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 as most improved writer of the week. The award is for those who have shown a significant improvement in handwriting or writing throughout the week.
Year 1 Everyone in Year 1!
Year 2 Everyone in Year 2!
Year 3 Inaaya
Year 4 Lourdess
Year 5 Danny
Year 6 Everyone in Year 6!
Each week we celebrate an amazing achievement from each class. Children are celebrated in assembly, receive a gold certificate and their name in the newsletter. Please celebrate their learning at home too!
Nursery Geese
Everyone in Geese class was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for showing great kindness, engaging in learning and always giving it a go! Well done Geese. we are so proud of you.
Nursery Swans
Everyone in Swans class was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for showing great kindness, engaging in learning and always giving it a go! Well done Swans, we are so proud of you.
Reception Doves
Reception Doves class has been awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for learning their words and actions and putting on the most adorable Christmas nativity. Well done Reception class!
Year 1 Wrens
Everyone in Year 1 was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for great singing, performing and rehearsing this week to put on a wonderful nativity! Well done Year 1!
Year 2- Owls
Everyone in Year 2 was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award for making us laugh and smile in their performance this week. You sang brilliantly and we are very proud of you. Well done Year 2!
Year 3 – Hummingbirds
Everyone is Year 3 was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for being amazingly focused, hard working and sensible this term. Well done!
Year 4- Herons
Lourdess was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week. She has shown excellent summarising skills in reading this week. Well done Lourdess!
Everyone in Year 4 was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award for their maturity and excellence when performing this week in our singing performance. Well done Year 4!
Year 5 – Skylarks
Everyone in Skylarks class was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week for showcasing an excellent singing performance and all of their hard work over the term. Well done everyone!
Year 6 – Magpies
Everyone in Year 6 Magpies have been awarded the Gainsborough Gold Award this week. You have made an enormous effort in all areas of learning. You have show great maturity in taking on new challenges, made enormous progress and your willingness to try your nest everyday is truly inspiring. Well done everyone!
Coming up at Gainsborough…
Cards, wrapping paper and decorations wanted…
2 Year Old Ducklings, Nursery Swans and Geese and Reception will be completing activities related to winter and Christmas again next year. We would welcome any donations of decorations, cards, wrapping paper or Santa related paraphernalia that you may may no longer need. Thank you those who have donated cards, ribbon and wrapping paper already. Please keep giving!
Spring 1 return to school dates
Monday 6th January – preschool (Hatchlings, under 2 and Ducklings paid places)
Monday 6th January – Inset day for teachers and support staff
Tuesday 7th January – Preschool, Nursery, Reception, Years 1 -6 return to school, all clubs as normal
We look forward to welcoming you back to school in 2025!