This week at Gainsborough…
This week at Gainsborough we returned from half term to enjoy some fine motor skills work to improve our motor memory. Children need to develop motor memory to improve their handwriting. Children were given lots of opportunities to draw, make patterns and colour in in order to improve their motor memory, and therefore improve their number and letter formation as well as their handwriting. Pattern making is also good for the soul! The children really enjoyed it. You may have noticed some whole class displays in the shared areas? Teachers have celebrated our Autumn 1 learning through our shared area displays and feature History and Geography learning, writing and art work. Please have a look when you visit for parent and teacher evening next week.
Reader of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Tate
Year 2 Za’Kai
Year 3 Zayaan
Year 4 Owen
Year 5 Martinee
Year 6 Ishaq
Keep Giving
Each half term we focus on a different Gainsborough Keep: kind, connected, safe, healthy, green or giving. This half term we have introduced the idea of giving your time to causes and issues. We were very grateful to have 4 wonderful examples of ‘keep giving’ this week. We saw the FRoG’s give their time to the plan and prepare the Halloween event alongside school staff who ran lots of the events, we are working with an organisation called Run Kids Run who have set up a fun run for us and we had 2 special guests come into school to talk to us about their experience as world class athletes. These examples have kicked off our ‘keep giving’ theme and we have lots of exciting opportunities for children to take part in to ensure they learn the value of giving this term.
Keeping Connected in our Community…
FRoG’s Halloween Event
Thank you to the school staff and families who supported our annual Halloween event! The children thoroughly enjoyed the games, cake, face painting, sparklers and all manner of fun- despite some rain. The FRoG’s community events are created to provide fun and memorable experiences for families and to raise funds for school. We are currently fund raising for playground improvement projects that the children and families can see and know they helped contribute towards. Thank you everyone.
Parent’s Evening
Families are invited to attend the Autumn term parents evening. This will take place on Tuesday 7th, 3.45-7pm, and Thursday 9th November, 3.45-6pm. The meetings will take place at school. School staff will meet with parents to discuss their children’s well being at school, progress in their learning and share any areas for development. There is also the opportunity to visit our Black History Month Exhibition in the attic. We hope to see you there.
Run Gainsborough Run
We have been invited to take part in a fundraiser run on Sunday 5th November at the London Community Track, from 2-4pm. Those who took part last year will remember how much fun it was! Children are asked to raise funds from the run and add their fund raising to the school Just Giving page. The more children who turn up on the day and join in, the more match funding the school receives so please come along. Check your email inbox for detailed information about how to join, the school Just Giving page for donations, and for how to spread the word! Come on Gainsborough, let’s RUN!
At Gainsborough Next Week…
Next week we will review Autumn term attendance. Families are reminded that the Government set target for attendance is 96%. Families whose children’s attendance fall under that will receive a letter detailing ways to improve attendance next week. We will be inviting families to attendance meetings for those with attendance below 90% and looking at ways we can hep improve attendance. We will of course be celebrating those who manage to achieve 100% attendance and certificates will go home for those with attendance over 96%. Children with better attendance are happier at school and navigate learning better. Those will good attendance also make better progress. Please ensure children are in school when they are well and consider your reasons for keeping children off school very carefully.