We take Online Safety very seriously and are constantly looking for ways to raise awareness in a bid to keep all of our children safe online.
Online safety is incorporated into all of our computing lessons in order to equip children with the best possible knowledge and skills to stay safe when working online.
At Gainsborough, all pupils are exposed to a one hour computing lesson each week which focuses on teaching online safety in parallel to developing essential computing skills. Across their primary schooling all pupils will learn how to use key programmes such as Word, Publisher, Excel and a number of coding programmes. The aim is to develop pupils word processing skills, teach elements of animation and how to use, collect, develop and manipulate electronic data. During coding lessons, pupils work at varying levels from creating simple one step codes moving into more complex sequences which are used to create their own online games. Pupils also learn how to de-bug codes and learn how to manipulate games by changing different elements of the background programme.