Class Newsletters
Click on the links below to view newsletters which will give you more information about what is happening in our class each half term.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Find out what’s been going on in Year 5.
Find out what’s been going on in Year 5.
Click on the links below to view newsletters which will give you more information about what is happening in our class each half term.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Click on the links below to view a copy of your child’s class timetable for each term:
Year 5 Black History Month Poetry. Year 5 have developed their presentation and oracy skills to present to you a poem by Joseph Coelho. #josephcoelho
Nov 22
Year 5 Kew Gardens trip. Year 5 have been looking at different biomes across the globe in Geography. They visited the rainforest room at Kew to understand the temperature, humidity and the types of plants and animals that might live there. @kewgardens
Nov 12
Year 5 have created 3-d models to demonstrate the different parts of a river and how they link in Geography.
Oct 20
Year 5 visited this week. They collected and sorted plastic, watched the moulds and processing machine do their magic to turn unwanted plastic waste into brand new spinning tops and combs. They are now considering how we can collect unwanted plastic waste and work with again through their Year 5 #keepgreen campaign. Watch this space! #keepgreen
Oct 5
Families are welcome in class to come and see what we have been learning about in science this half term. Year 1 - Tree classification, Year 2 - Animal Classification, Year 3- Plant classification, Year 4 - Exploring Circuits, Year 5- Classification of Materials, Year 6 - Light! All welcome! #keepconnected
Jul 3
Year 5 shared their knowledge of the Vikings today! We learnt about their raiding and trading, invasions and settling. They showcased their fantastic historical knowledge. Well done Year 5!
Jun 21
Year 5 served us mint tea in assembly today! We thought about keeping healthy, trying new foods and being BRAVE! Less than half of us had tried mint tea, more than half of us thought we wouldn’t like it. We ALL tried it and more than half of us actually quite liked it! #keephealthy #keepgreen
Jun 10
We are still offering cycling club every Thursday led by @britishcycling Year 5 and 6 pupils have had the opportunity to learn to cycle, in a safe and supportive environment and are now all competent cyclists. Thank you @britishcycling
Jun 6
Year 5 visited the British Museum. They put their historical investigatory skills to the test to learn about life in the Viking times form some very interesting artefacts. @britishmuseum
May 4
Year 5 shared their understanding of life in space today in their sharing assembly. They read diary entries as Mae Jemison and used some creative story telling techniques to help us understand what life in the International Space Station really is like! Well done Year 5!
May 4
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds (except on Bank Holidays).
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds (except on Bank Holidays).
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
5 week course for babies 4 months-8 months. Please book in advance as very limited spaces
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
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