Class Newsletters
Click on the links below to view newsletters which will give you more information about what is happening in our class each half term.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Find out what’s been going on in Year 4.
Find out what’s been going on in Year 4.
Click on the links below to view newsletters which will give you more information about what is happening in our class each half term.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Click on the links below to view a copy of your child’s class timetable for each term:
Families are welcome in class to come and see what we have been learning about in science this half term. Year 1 - Tree classification, Year 2 - Animal Classification, Year 3- Plant classification, Year 4 - Exploring Circuits, Year 5- Classification of Materials, Year 6 - Light! All welcome! #keepconnected
Jul 3
@cityacademies have been supporting our PE lessons. Year 4 and 5 have all learnt to cycle this half term. Thank you @cityacademies 🚲
Jun 20
Year 4 visited the Ragged School Museum this week, to support their learning in History on what life was like in a Victorian School. They fed back that they are quite happy to go back to how life was like in the Victorian times for children… watch this space!
May 4
Friday was fun! We raised money for Comic Relief, while exploring the wonderful world of science for #britishscienceweek Parents joined us for parents in class in Year 4. Year 4 made a paper cup telephone and learnt how sound traveled along the string.
Mar 16
The Iron Man by Year 4. What a great assembly on World Book Day. Where did he come from nobody knows? #worldbookday
Mar 8
Years 3, 4, 5, 6 were incredible today in our Winter Warmer concert. Well done Year 4, beautiful singing today. 🎶 🎄 🎶
Dec 18
Year 4 Art. Year 4 have been learning about primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Can you tell what it is yet?
Dec 1
Year 2 and Year 4 read together today as part of No Pens Day. We were so proud of the kindness and care exhibited today to ensure our younger readers were happy and understood the text. Well done everyone! 📚
Nov 29
Year 4 Music. Year 4 have been learning the guitar. 🎸 Move over Brian May- we have got this! 🎸@joelbakermusic
Nov 4
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds (except on Bank Holidays).
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds (except on Bank Holidays).
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
5 week course for babies 4 months-8 months. Please book in advance as very limited spaces
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.