Find out what’s been going on in Year 1.
Find out what’s been going on in Year 1.
Click on the links below to view a copy of your child’s class timetable for each term:
Below is the Phonics document link for you to help your child with their phonics:
Year 1 and 2 story boxes, made for World Book day homework. #rainbowfish #thesnailandthewhale #keepconnected #worldbookday2025
Mar 15
Year 1 science. Year 1 have been learning about the different features of mammals, fish and birds. They borrowed Year 3’s pet fish to do some observational drawings. 🐟
Feb 19
Year 1 cooking. Our new cooking curriculum is tasting good. This half term we are learning to read menus, use the equipment and tidy our new kitchen, as well as cooking pasta dishes. Year 1 have made pasta with spinach and bell peppers. Well done Year 1! 👨🏾🍳
Feb 4
Thank you @strong_bendy for our annual visit to see what you do in our local area. Year 1 really enjoyed exploring the gym, and by all accounts their push ups were fantastic! #keepconnected
Feb 3
The Nativity at St Mary or Eton 2024. Well done to nursery, reception, year 1 and 2 for a brilliant performance. Please send any photos as our school photographers were otherwise occupied during this incredible performance. Thank you @stmaryofeton
Jan 2
Year 1 @young.vam today. Year 1 learnt about toys from the past, linking to their history learning. They were able to identify which toys must have been older than others from the materials they were made out of. Well done Year 1!
Nov 15
Year 1 School Council are ready and raring to go. Congratulations on your election! #keepconnected
Sep 29
Families are welcome in class to come and see what we have been learning about in science this half term. Year 1 - Tree classification, Year 2 - Animal Classification, Year 3- Plant classification, Year 4 - Exploring Circuits, Year 5- Classification of Materials, Year 6 - Light! All welcome! #keepconnected
Jul 3
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
Check out this link:
Content to be added 15/01/2021