Find out what’s been going on in Nursery.
Find out what’s been going on in Nursery.
Click on the links below to view a copy of your child’s class timetable for each half term:
Click on the links below to view a copy of your child’s class timetable for each term:
Below is the Phonics document link for you to help your child with their phonics:
Nursery love swinging, climbing, sharing and caring, creating, painting and exploring Forest School! 🍁 🌳 🍁
Mar 11
Nursery have been learning about life on the farm through the book What the Ladybird Heard.
Mar 11
Nursery pop art! Nursery have been reading the Naughty Bus and have completed prints of buses on some busy Warhol inspired printed paper. Well done Nursery! 🚌
Feb 23
Family Friday’s in Nursery! Thank you for all of your support this half term nursery parents. Happy half term.
Feb 14
Pattern making through printing in Nursery art this week. ⭕️ ⭕️ ⭕️ Counting, colours, spaces and print!
Feb 7
Nursery winter scapes. Nursery children picked the ‘biggest’ trees to go in the foreground, and smallest trees to go at the back of their winter scapes. 🌲 🌲 🌲
Jan 26
The Nativity at St Mary or Eton 2024. Well done to nursery, reception, year 1 and 2 for a brilliant performance. Please send any photos as our school photographers were otherwise occupied during this incredible performance. Thank you @stmaryofeton
Jan 2
Nursery Swans at forest school.
We went on a bear hunt, made bear tracks, cooked porridge for baby bear, and enjoyed our favourite forest school activities, such as swinging, archery and tent building.
Blueberry the Elf was returned back to the forest after spending a few weeks in nursery due to cold weather. #keepgreen #learningoutdoors #forestschool
Dec 6
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
EYFS Camp is available for 2-5 Year Olds.
Please book your spaces using the boking form via the main office.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.
School is closed to all pupils.
We are not running EYFS Camp on this date.