03 Apr Admissions
2 Year Old Nursery Admissions
This admissions process happens on a rolling programme when we have availability. If you require an admissions form please contact admin@gainsborough.hackney.sch.uk. We will have some vacancies after Easter as the older children move into the 3 Year Old Nursery.
3 Year Old Nursery Admissions
Families who were expecting to start their children in the 3 year old Nursery will receive the normal offer letters offering a place. This will secure your place for when schools open again. The school may require you to return some information if we have not yet collected it. You can do this when schools return of via email admin@giansborough.hackney.sch.uk
Reception Admissions
Reception admission will be sent from HLT via letter to parents. The school will send letters in May confirming arrangements for home visits and start dates If you have any queries about admissions please email or call school.
Year 7 Admissions
Children should have received an offer of a secondary school and all Gainsborough pupils have been offered a secondary place. We will update you with transition arrangements when schools re-open. In the meantime teachers and school staff are transferring documents and information to secondary schools.