Gainsborough Primary School is a one-form entry community school with a Nursery, Preschool and a Children’s Centre. The children in our care range from nine months to eleven years old. We admit up to 30 children in each of our classes.
We joined the Primary Advantage Federation in April 2017. This partnership helps us to share good practice and gives us the opportunity to draw on the expertise of curriculum leaders and lead practitioners which acts as a form of Continuous Professional Development for our teaching staff. The Primary Advantage Federation is overseen by Sian Davies, Executive Principal.
Ms Clark, our Executive Headteacher, leads teaching and learning across our school and she is supported by a strong and experienced Senior Leadership Team. The Senior Leadership Team includes Mrs Begum, Miss Jethwa, Ms Dempsey our assistant headteachers as well as Ms Thomson, our SENDCo.
The senior leadership team are supported by a number of middle leaders and subject leaders who work diligently to ensure that all subjects are taught effectively throughout the entire school.
As a partnership, we seek to maximise efficiency and effectiveness by capitalising on centralised services and sharing systems and procedures.