Welcome back to Gainsborough…
Year 6 Houses of Parliament Tour
Year 6 went to the Houses of Parliament on Friday. They saw the house of commons and visited the corridors of parliament! The children were fascinated at how closely the democratic system was to how we vote for pupil led roles in school! They saw a debate live in action from the gallery in the house of commons which saw MP’s debate a new bill with the speaker of the house chairing the debate.
This term we will focus on:
WOW Assembly theme Keep Safe
British Value Individual liberty
Article 19 You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind. RRS re launch
School Council Reading for pleasure
Behaviour Pupil voice: reflection sheets, pupil feedback and questionnaires
Wellbeing WAHM’s in EYFS and Rights Respecting accreditation process
Community Focus Community kitchen use: Power Up
Teaching and Learning Medium term planning of foundation subjects: RE, DT, Science, cooking
Our n
Reader of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Redd
Year 2 Tate
Year 3 Zayn
Year 4 Raphael
Year 5 Sahira
Year 6 Karima
Most Improved Writer of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 as most improved writer of the week. The award is for those who have shown a significant improvement in handwriting or writing throughout the week.
Year 1 Ismail
Year 2 Elsa
Year 3 Zivah
Year 4 Raiez
Year 5 Mohamed S
Year 6 Zsavier
Each week we celebrate an amazing achievement from each class. Children are celebrated in assembly, receive a gold certificate and their name in the newsletter. Please celebrate their learning at home too!
Nursery Ducks
Khobie was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for asking great questions about our class topics. Well done Khobie!
Nursery Geese
Hubert was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award for communicating well with his friends. Well done Hubert.
Nursery Swans
Denzel was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for working really hard in maths carpet sessions! Well done Denzel, we are so proud of you.
Reception Doves
Gabirel has been awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for a great attitude for all of your learning. Well done Gabriel!
Year 1 Wrens
Teya was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for working brilliantly in writing and being an excellent role model when sharing her sentences with Reception class this week. Well done Teya!
Year 2- Owls
Savannah was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award for completing wonderful work all week. Well done Savannah!
Year 3 – Hummingbirds
Finley was awarded a Gainsborough Gold Award this week for coming back to school with a wonderfully positive attitude and working incredibly hard in all subjects. Well done Finley!
Year 4- Herons
Moyosore was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week for working really hard in all lessons this week. Well done Moyo.
Year 5 – Skylarks
Shantay was nominated for a Gainsborough Gold this week for having a great attitude to learning and being so enthusiastic in all lessons. Well done Shantay!
Year 6 – Magpies
Year 6 were awarded the Gainsborough Gold Award this week for an incredible performance showcasing strong acting skills, and an impressive vocal performance. Well done Year 6!
Coming up at Gainsborough…
WAHM’s advise and support in Early Years
Throughout the Spring term our WAHM’s clinician, Alice, will be supporting Nursery and reception staff, families and children. Our WAHM’s clinician, will be able to talk about referral pathways for families, diagnosis roots and general advice and discussion about well being, routines and parenting. Alice will be in Nursery and reception every second Monday and availble for parents to book a meeting with. She is in Gainsborough on the following dates:
Monday 20th January
Monday 3rd February
Monday 24th February
Monday 10th March
Monday 24th March
Reading for Pleasure
Read today!
‘It has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. Giving a child time and full attention when reading them a story tells them they matter. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns.’
Struggling to chose a good book, try one of these