This week at Gainsborough…
KS 2 Winter Warmer
What a performance! Our years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children were incredible on Monday. They sang their hearts out and really brought the Christmas spirit to their audience. The closed the concert with ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ and we left feeling that Christmas had already arrived. Thank you to the staff and children for making a truly memorable winter concert.
EYFS and KS 1 Nativity
A huge thank you to Reverend Sue and St Mary of Eton. Our annual nativity took place in the Church, and it was magical. Reception stole the show with some very impressive lines, leading their own narration of the story of the birth of Jesus. Nursery, and Years 1 and 2, belted out some really fun songs as barn animals, kings and angels. You delivered the story of Christmas in a really beautiful way. Thank you to the staff and children who performed and for the huge turn out from families.
Wishing everyone in our Gainsborough Community a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for your support.
Keep Giving
Each half term we focus on a different Gainsborough Keep: kind, connected, safe, healthy, green or giving. This half term we have introduced the idea of giving your time to causes and issues.
Year 2 Winter Coat Drive
Year 2 are collecting winter coats to donate to a charity before Christmas. They have looked at clothes through history and across the globe, the different types of materials used for different clothes and how styles have changed over time. They have written persuasively to ask families to donate children, and adults, winter coats. If you don’t need them, pass them on! Donations should be made to the school office or to Year 2. Thank you all. #keepgiving
At Gainsborough Next Year …
Spring 1 Week 1
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 9th January. All clubs are as normal and staff are already excited and raring to go with new learning.
Selected Year 5 and 6 children will take part in the football competition at the Eastway on the first day to school! Stay off the mince pies and get on the treadmill Gainsborough Football Team! The match will take place on Tuesday 9th January.
Year 4 and 5 will take a trip to watch a classical recital. This is part of the Apollo music a project. A project which introduces children to classical music in a school setting. The children then go to watch two concerts, and watch the same musicians perform. We have worked with Apollo for 8 years now and the exposure to classical music, in the manner it is done, is very inspiring. We hope year 4 and 5 enjoy the concert.
Year 1 will take a trip to Strong and Bendy on Friday. They are looking at different jobs people have and the will see what it is like to work in a gym. Year 1 parents, we also need some visitors to come and talk to the children about the different types of jobs. Can you help? If so please let the Year 1 staff know.