This week at Gainsborough…
Christmas Jumper Day – We wore our Christmas Jumpers this week. Thank you to School Council for designing and producing our most recent Gainsborough Christmas jumper. We some some very talented designers and makers, and we are really excited to see what they come up with for next half term’s school council project.
Year 5 6 Basketball – Our Year 5/6 Basketball team took the journey to Holy Trinity Primary School this week to challenge Holy Trinity and other Primary Advantage schools in a basktetball tournament. Coach Terry lead them to one victory and one loss. They cam second overall in the competition and showed a very positive and supportive mindset to one and other on the court. Well done GB Basketball Team!
Assessment Week
We have checked how well we have taught this week, and how well everyone has retained their learning. The children undertook reading and maths assessments and they have done incredibly well. We are very proud of the progress the children have made!
Parents in Class
Thank you to all of the parents and family members who came into class today to complete an activity with the children. Classes made some decorations for the hall that we will hang next week to get us in the festive spirit. These sessions enable parents to see children in their class and give an insight into their learning. The sessions are not taught sessions but activities parents can do with the children. We really value families giving up their time to come into classes, thank you.
Reader of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Harrison
Year 2 Adriana
Year 3 Moyosore
Year 4 Mia
Year 5 Leonardo
Year 6 Alena
Keep Giving
Each half term we focus on a different Gainsborough Keep: kind, connected, safe, healthy, green or giving. This half term we have introduced the idea of giving your time to causes and issues.
The Community Closet
We are a pick up point for donations to the Community Closet. This is a charity that collect and distribute clothes, toys and gifts for those in need. We have worked with the Community Closet for a number of years and really know the value of their hard work in reaching people when they need it most. From 1st December until 12th December you can drop of used and new children’s coats, shoes, clothes, toys and all things ‘baby’ to Gainsborough where it will be collected and made into bundles for families. If you would like to refer someone to the Community Closet who may be in need of additional support at the moment please contact them via their instagram.
Keeping Connected in our Community…
Key Stage 2 Winter Warmer, Monday 18th December
The Gainsborough KS2 Winter Warmer will take place at 2.30pm on Monday 18th December. Come and here our Years 3, 4, 5, 6 children showing off their singing talents.
Nativity at St Mary of Eton, Wednesday 20th December
The Gainsborough Annual Nativity will take place on Wednesday 20th December at 10am at ST Mary of Eton. Sticking with tradition reception class will perform the Nativity, with songs from Years 1 and 2 and Nursery. Please come and support us!
FRoG’s Christmas Send Off, Wednesday 20th December 1.45-2.15pm
The Friends of Gainsborough would like to invite you for some mulled wine and a mince pie, or some hot choc and a cake, at a final farewell in the school playground on the last day of term. There will be some carols and some small sales to keep everyone entertained while parents and staff are able to wish everyone a happy holiday. We hope to see you there!
At Gainsborough Next Week…
Year 1 Christmas Get Together at The Trowbridge Senior Citizens Club
Year 1 are going to have add some Christmas cheer to the Trowbridge Senior Citizens Christmas lunch. They will sing some Christmas songs, dance and play games with our friends across the road. We hope everyone has a lovely time.
It’s Panto Time, Oh No It Isn’t….
Years 1-6 will be going to watch Aladdin a the Hackney Empire. Years 1, 2 and 6 will travel together on Thursday 14th December. Years 3, 4, 5 on Friday 15th December. We only have enough parent tickets for parents we invite to come and support the children. If you do want to come and support the trip please email and we can put you on a waiting list to see if we have any tickets spare nearer the time. Letters asking for payment have been emailed to families and the payment has been set up on parent pay. Please pay as soon as possible.
Nursery Geese and Swans Cake Sale
Our Nursery classes are building a small ECO Space. They have started their Bug Hotel and now want to make the ground softer, walls greener and have more plants and shrubs for insects and birds. They are raising funds for their Eco space by holding a cake sale on Friday 15th December. Please come and buy a cake and help them raise the £150 they need to make their dream space. Nursery parents will receive a letter this week asking for cake donations, please add ingredient lists for any home made cakes. Thank you all.