This week at Gainsborough…
Year 5 and 6 attended a Netball practice competition at the Eastway in Hackney Wick. They competed against 3 other schools and won all of their games. We have some fantastic netballers at Gainsborough and we are very excited to see how the team get on in the real competition this week! Go Netball Team, Go!
Maths Learning
We have been developing the way we teach maths. We have been developing better ways to let children explore concepts and have more opportunities for talk. We know children need time to explore, play and make use of concrete resources before they can move to recording calculations and solving complex problems. We have planned in more time for this and the children, and staff, are really enjoying this. We hope children start to articulate their learning more confidently. Please ask them to show you how to do things at home using resources and images as part of their homework. Each piece of homework is based on the week’s learning in class so children should be able to explain it. If your child cannot do their homework please speak to an adult from their class so we can revisit that learning.
BHM Scientist Portraits Exhibition
We have started our Black History Month Exhibition in the attic! Years 1 -6 looked at a scientist of significance and built a large portrait of their allocated scientist. Years 1, 2, 3 also retold an Anansi story. The art work is displayed in the attic and we will add to this as the term goes on.
Year 1 Mudchute Farm Trip
Well done to the Year 1 families, staff and children on their first trip of the year to Mudchute Farm. They saw a range of farm animals and experienced some countryside life linking to their science topic Animals Including Humans. Thank you to the parents who came on the trip, you made it happen.
Year 6 Hackney Chambers
Year 6 met the Hackney Speaker this week and saw the council chambers. They learnt about the elections system for local councils and how decisions are made in councils. The children fed back that they felt the systems for making decisions was much fairer than one person making all of the decisions and it made them think about how important voting in elections really is!
Reader of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Elsa
Year 2 Tamiyah Lily
Year 3 Aaliyah
Year 4 Danny
Year 5 Donovan
Year 6 Ishaq
Keep Giving
Each half term we focus on a different Gainsborough Keep: kind, connected, safe, healthy, green or giving. This half term we have introduced the idea of giving your time to causes and issues.
Cage Resurface
We are VERY pleased to announce our cage resurface project is complete! After several years of fundraising we have managed to resurface the cage to make it more accessible, safer and brighter environment for playtime and PE lessons. We would like to thank everyone who came to books sales, Christmas parties, Halloween events and Fireworks events. Your donations have made this project happen and we are grateful of the time, energy and donations people have given. THANK YOU.
Children in Need, Friday 17th November
Children in Need is on Friday 17th November. We are asking children to wear SPOTS on Friday. Any kind of spots: homemade spots, drawn on spots, polka dot spots, spots on socks, fancy dress spots, logo spots, red and furry spots. Anything goes. Children are asked to donate £1 to send to Children in Need and support those who are less fortunate than us.
Keeping Connected in our Community…
Parent’s Evening
This week at Gainsborough we saw the majority of parents attend parents evening. Teachers and families met and shared books, learning, well being and social progress. We had overwhelmingly positive feedback from parents and we are very grateful of your fantastic support. Thank you to teachers and families for taking the time to meet and talk, working together is the best way to support our children.
Run Gainsborough Run
On Sunday 5th November we say 60 of our families join Run Gainsborough Run at the Marathon Community Track on the Olympic Park. The children from Nursery and Reception ran 1K, the children from Years 1-6 all ran 2K! This was a great achievement and they were rewarded with a medal. We set up a Just Giving page for sponsorship money, please share with family and friends if you took part. The organisation Run Kids Run match fund the amount raised so please give generously. We are raising funds for an outdoor classroom in the currently empty playground space next to the car park. We have some exciting plans ahead but we need your help!
At Gainsborough Next Week…
Odd Socks and Anti-Bullying Week
We are asking children to wear ODD SOCKS on Monday 13th November. This is fun and memorable way to raise awareness of our differences. Anti-bullying week starts on Monday 13th November and the theme this year is ‘make a noise about bullying.’ We will be asking children to write a song or rap about anti-bullying and asking them to make some serious noise! At Gainsborough we listen to children’s concerns about friendships and fall outs, we understand that children will need help to learn to manage unkind behaviours and to be kind at all times. We do not ignore or dismiss any bullying claims and if your children has ongoing worries about peers or friendships please take the opportunity to come and talk to us this week.