This week at Gainsborough…
We really enjoyed our involvement with the Hackney Wick Carnival on Sunday! We would like to say a huge thank you to the Hackney Carnival Roadshow Team, Taru Arts and all of the incredible performers who came out in the rain and made the day one to remember. It has inspired us to run our own mini carnival, as part of our Black History Month celebrations- watch this space!
We have refreshed our approach to talk partners this week by reinforcing with the children how important good listening, eye to eye looking and knee to knee body positions are when talking to, and listening to, our partners. Children are improving day by day at listening to their partners and feeding back what they have said. This helps them reinforce their ideas and share their answers and thoughts more effectively. It also gives every child a voice.
Reader of the Week
Each week we will award one child from Years 1-6 with a new book, as the Reader of the Week. The award is for commitment, reading progress, engagement or sharing their love for reading. Please support your child with reading at home! After all, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Year 1 Savannah
Year 2 Thiago
Year 3 Teddie
Year 4 Danny
Year 5 Aston
Year 6 Bridget
Keep Kind
Each half term we focus on a different Gainsborough Keep: kind, connected, safe, healthy, green or giving. This half term we are focusing on Keep Kind. This week we have reviewed our understanding of the International Day of Peace. We are writing Peace Poems for homework and will make a display for school to share our vision of what peace means to us. Children can write a peace poem in their books, on the peace dove or symbol or make a peace dove using origami.
Keeping Connected in our Community this week…
Our Circular Food Project lead has joined our teaching team on Friday’s. Ana is supporting classes to learn more about our garden, food waste, growing and how we can be more sustainable. This week Year 1 carried out some soil sampling and used their senses to compare different soil types. We also had workshops from EcoActive in Years 2 and 3 to support our Geography and Science learning. Year 2 made seed bombs and learnt about seed dispersal and food growing, linking to their food topic. Year 3 learnt about carbon reduction and how our local area is affected by pollution. We are really Keeping Green with the help of our community groups!
At Gainsborough Next Week…
We are being visited next week by Hackney Road Safety team. We are learning about how to travel safely when walking to and from school (Year 6), people who help us with road safety (Reception) and how we can keep safe when travelling in our area (Years 1 -5). We look forward to sharing our learning with you!