Hackney Learning Trust are the responsible body for our school’s admissions processes.
On this page, you will find some more details on admissions at our school. If you require any further information about these processes, our school administration team will be happy to help.
Places will be offered to children using the admissions criteria shown below. Some places are given to children with SEN statements. The remaining places are offered in this order of priority:
We will need to get confirmation from Children Social Care for priorities 1 and 2.
Also, if we need a tie-breaker decision for priorities 1, 2 and 4, we will use distance, as measured in item 5 above. If two applicants live exactly the same distance from the school, the place will be allocated by lottery. This will be carried out by the Admissions Team in the presence of an independent witness. If a family lives on a boat, the distance will be measured from an authorised mooring point. If the family is travelling from place to place, the nearest mooring point will be used on the closing date for the receipt of applications.
The Head of Admissions will decide on these cases. Where necessary, we will ask the Health Service for advice. The medical needs of parents do not justify a place at a particular school, but a child may have a social need because of their parent’s medical condition. We will need to see evidence in support of these cases such as supporting professional evidence (for example, a written statement from a medical consultant, senior social worker or other appropriate professional). This must clearly show why the child should be given a place at that particular school, together with an explanation of the difficulties that would be caused if the child were to attend another school. Parents are responsible for providing the evidence. Very few places are awarded under this priority. If you are not given priority, you can contact the Admissions Team to find out why.
A brother or sister must live permanently at the same address as the child for whom the application is being made. This includes a half brother or sister and a step-brother or sister who lives permanently as a family unit at the same address.
When we work out distances, we use geographical information provided by the local council. If a number of addresses have the same geographical property reference (such as a block of flats), or if there are a number of applicants living the same distance away from the school, the allocation of a place will be decided by lottery. Where parental responsibilities are equally shared, we will consider the home address to be the place where the child sleeps, and spends most of their time, from Monday to Friday. Normally this will be with the parent/carer who receives Child Benefit for that child.
For more information, please visit the Learning Trust website.
If you have applied for admission to our school and have been unsuccessful you have the right to appeal against this decision by following Hackney Learning Trust’s Appeals Process. All appeals are managed direct by Hackney Learning Trust; more information about the process can be found at here.
Once your appeal has been submitted, you will be given a date for your appeal hearing at least ten days in advance.
You case will be heard by a panel of between three to five impartial members of the public but the panel will not give their decision at the hearing. You will be told the result of your appeal by post within seven days.
The decision of the panel will be legally binding and if your appeal is successful your child will be given a place at the school. If your appeal is unsuccessful, your child will not be given a place but you will still be able to put their name on the school’s waiting list.