Two Year Old Provision – Children’s Centre
Gainsborough are incredibly proud of our two year old nursery provision. If you are interested in applying for childcare for your 2 year old, you can do so by completing the application form below and returning this directly to us.
The model for 2 year old provision we use at Gainsborough is based around the 15 hour entitlement most families receive for free. We offer this as 3 hours am or pm sessions with top ups made available around these core hours. These top ups include meals and childcare due the times of day the top ups cover. We believe this is the most effective way to support children and families to access their free entitlement and cover their childcare needs. As the funding models for under 2, 2 year olds and 3 year olds are different funding models from the central Government, our charging policy for each age is different. We are working really hard to make sure we can offer a full range of options to families and ask that you are proactive in reading all communication as we try to navigate the funding from the Government, balance our books and marry up our accounting system and communicate decisions about charges for childcare.
If you are interested in applying for extended two year old provision, please speak with our admissions officer in the office.